Emma Rosie had just turned 18 and her mom really wanted to give her a special birthday present that she would never forget. Not just another trinket that would be thrown in a drawer after a week of use, but something real, something unique that she would never forget. An emotional memory that would stay in Emma’s experience bucket forever.
Emma did not have much of a father growing up. Just another deadbeat dad that would remember to call on birthdays or maybe Christmas if he wasn’t too hung over from the eggnog the night before. While Emma always put on a good face about this not bothering her, her mom knew that deep down she wanted male connection.
Mom had just recently been married but with Emma’s busy social life, she really did not know her new stepfather all that well. Casual run-ins around the house, the ceremony of course, maybe a family dinner at a restaurant on busy nights. Emma’s mom wanted to change this. Not only did she want Emma to learn more about her stepfather and become closer, but she wanted her to get that male connection that she so desperately needed, yet refused to admit.
A genius idea popped in to mothers head. A date! She would arrange a special night for Emma and her stepfather. To get to know each other, share stories and create that emotional bond that she felt Emma needed so badly.
A quick call to both her husband and Emma and plans were in motion. Husband was happy to oblige, even excited to spend time with the 18-year-old bombshell. Emma was a little more cautious. She’s busy, has things going on, and it still up in the air about the whole male connection thing.
As you can only imagine, mothers intentions of quality bonding time turned into a completely different type of bonding all together.
Husband/stepfather had a dirty secret. He of course finds Emma’s mother attractive, that’s why they got married. But Emma? He jerked off thinking of her every morning in the shower. A night out with that sex pot? His dreams came true.
Now the challenge of, can he turn his dreams into actual reality? Does he have a shot at fucking that 18 year old pussy? Will Emma Rosie deepthroat his cock until he nuts in her mouth?
Find out what happens next at TeenyTaboo.com